Hamas, Hezbollah etc.

They must STOP rockets etc and TALK.



There HAS to be a 2 state solution and total cessation of rocket and other fire into Israel


Any comments are appreciated.

Send them here.


Both the above mentioned organisations spend a lot of money on offensive weapons to attack Israel undiscriminately as they deny its right to exist.

"From the river (Jordan) to the sea, Palestine shall be free." That is a chant by Hamas suggesting they want the elimination of Israel.

Hamas was elected in GAZA, but I am not sure how fair the elections were. They have suppressed opposition, often with violence. They have diverted aid funds and materials to create a network of tunnels under GAZA, including underneath hospitals and schools. They have also created and obtained thousands of various types of rocket which they fire frequently at Israel. The launchers shelter in amongst the civilian population and some rockets fail and fall into GAZA itself.

The marchers in London and other places demand a ceasefire from Israel, but do not say Hamas should do the same, nor do they mention the hostages. Hamas has NEVER had a ceasefore of rockets.

Also they make no mention of the October attack, which effectively declared war in the first place. That is what has provoked and enraged the more extreme elements in Israel, including the stand being taken by Netanyahu and the "settlers".

In my opinion Israel has taken the sledgehammer approach to Hamas. FAR too many have died in GAZA, but Hamas could have stopped it. In my opinion Israel should have used drones to weed out Hamas, not highly destructive bombing. That is too blunt an instrument. The West should stop the supply of such weapons. Israel should STOP "settler expansion" on the West Bank, and actually begin to remove some of them and allow Palestinians to rebuild there. That area is NOT part of Israel. The Hamas attack in Octoberspurred on "settler" activities. Get the UN in there, with force if needed. The "settler" process is illegal.







Both are backed by the regime in Iran which represses its own people, especially women,enforcing internal policies which are not mentioned in the Koran.

In 1947 the region was divided up into both an Israeli and Palestinian state. Much of the Israel allocation was actually desert. The Israelis accepted these boundaries (which were far from being ideal), but the Arabs did not and began to attack the Israeli defined areas. They were defeated.

The result was a change in boundaries and a great deal of population movement. It also gave rise to settlements by Israelis in some of the extra land. The UN should have blocked this and all successive similar expansion and displacement. It has failed to do so. I clearly appreciate that the Palestinian and other Arabs have a strong case against this process, yet repeat the violence over and over..

The maps above show the situation on October 7th. Note the absence of large settlements in the South - The Negev desert area originally.

Just after the Hamas terrorist attack.

Somehow the Israeli intelligence failed to pick up on what was clearly a terrorist invasion, mostly violating Koran rules of war on who should not be targeted. It was barbaric in the extreme as their own bodycam video etc showed only too clearly. Those demonstrating for a ceasefire should NOT ignore this. Hamas can NOT be allowed to regroup. They even deliberately use civilians to shield themselves.

In 1946 the area where the name Palestine is is mostly desert. Most of it was allocated to Israel in the UN plan, which they accepted.


Page set up November 5th 2023 Edited 31st April.