Sunday September 16th. 2001. at 13.00.

In The name of Religion? Totally misguided!

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This Political Comment is a personal opinion. Colin Powell has said the US is effectively "at war". The whole free world is!

Should ALL terrorist minority groups be terminated? literally! NO TERRORISTS should be tolerated in any society. The leadership of a county should persuade them of the error of their ways. A great many leaders have used strong words to condemn the events. This includes Islamic leaders too, with the exception of Saddam Hussein. I note that he still blames UN sanctions for loss of life in Iraq. Can he not see that HE is the problem! Iraqi opposition certainly does, as do many states in the region. Now they are acting together with the Americans to condemn terrorism. Fanatical "demonstrator" reaction is again being orchestrated by the fanatics, but that minority should be actively discouraged. (And NOT by assassination!) The loss of life in the W/T Center towers spans practically all nations, Muslims as well.

BBC RADIO 3 Special Concert appeared on US and other Television stations. It may be available on the Net.

This page PKM September 13th. 2001 Edited Oct 21st.

Any comments are appreciated. Please use the e.mail link on the Feedback page or the forum also on that page. The e.mail may not work with Hotmail or similar accounts, but mouseover the link will show you my e.mail address. If you want anything posting here, send it over or give me the link.

Israel since 1948

Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?

The Pittsburgh flight.

It is now clear that the bravery of the passengers on that flight was responsible for its missing the target. The suggestion of awarding a medal for them is a just recognition of the sacrifice they clearly made. Remember them in your prayers.


Sept 19th. Manchester (UK) Evening News. A Graffiti Tribute.

This Mural has been painted by Andrew Greenwood (on pic) Darren Holden and Marcus Cox. There is more too, and it can be seen in full at Ashton Old Road, Ancoats. The owner of the wall gave consent. This is in the true spirit of New York.

US Government policies.

Whatever opinion you may have about US policies, NOTHING whatsoever justifies the events of Tuesday, 11th. September 2001. It was a black day for all democracies. No one group can lay exclusive claim to any part of this planet. Such claims backed by violence are justifiably opposed by any free democratic state. America is emphatically NOT the "Great Satan". That term can be used for the perpetrators of this and other atrocities, not America! As regards the "violation of Saudi Arabia" argument by Osama Bin Laden and his "Fatwa" call against Americans, does he not realise that the West were invited there by most of the Arab world as a response to the warmongering genocidal tyrant Saddam Hussein, who still sits in power as a canker within the Arab world. That "Fatwa" could have been the spur to these fanatics. I cannot accept that true ISLAM condones this type of action. The condemnation by the Islamic Councils reinforce my opinion here, as does the comment by Mullah Sami Al Haq. For once the opinions of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair are fully accurate here. He was already reading the Koran before this atrocity took place. Any fatuous "economic harm" arguments by EU partners have no place in this context.

Condemnations have come from Yasser Arafat AND the Taleban in Afghanistan. If they are serious in that opinion, however, they have GOT to act NOW. Evidence would seem to suggest that recent contact with the terrorist cell wasn't made. Apparently Osama bin Laden is a "real Muslim" and a recent statement by another says that to kill innocent people is un-Islamic. Why then did he commend it? If the argument is that "all Americans are guilty", then that is just as unrealistic a view as stating all Muslims are guilty of perpetrating this act.

Monday Sept.17th.Comments from a news conference in Cairo by the top ranking cleric in Sunni Islam who states that Islam supports the right of the USA to defend itself.

Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi told a news conference in Cairo that any state or group proven to have participated in the attacks "must be punished".

He said states proved to participate in terrorism must be brought to account and punished according to Islamic law. He denounced Tuesday's hijacking as "the worst kind of deed".

Evidence is emerging that this atrocity has been years in planning. Quite probably well before the Taleban "put restrictions" on Osama bin Laden. However his statements clearly amount to incitement to carry out such terrorist acts. That is the least charge that can be held against him. Those who give him shelter bear a degree of responsibility by permitting terrorist training camps such as those seen on his own cd roms which are available in Pakistan. If he claims to be a "real Muslim", then this activity is also wrong on Islamic grounds.

"Islamic Jihad" is apparently quoted as saying that todays atrocity is a "Consequence of US Policy in The Middle East".I suppect "Hamas" has the same opinion. If this is what they think, they are clearly misguided in every way. Their negative reaction to virtually all initiatives in that area perpetuates the instability in that region. I am assembling a second page on this subject. There is NO WAY a "HOLY WAR" can justify this! To call it "HOLY" is completely immoral and ANTI RELIGIOUS. I would argue also that the "Crusades" and the "Inquisitions" were historical examples of the same error in approach.

Democracy allows free expression, tragically one reason why the first two airliners were not shot down I suspect, but we can NO LONGER accept this sort of attitude from anyone. A World Attack, both political and otherwise must begin now on all terrorist groups, wherever they lurk. No government or regime anywhere should allow shelter in any form to ANY Terrorist group.

If the actions or statements of any such so called "Militant" groups violate the religion which they purport to support, then the true leaders of those religions are duty bound to curtail their activities.

Monday Sept.17th.Comments from a news conference in Cairo by the top ranking cleric in Sunni Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi show the reaction of the leaders. Will the misguided militants concur? This statement clearly implies that the acts were, indeed in violation of Islamic law. The Sunni leaders deserve our support.

Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi told a news conference in Cairo that any state or group proven to have participated in the attacks "must be punished".

He said states proved to participate in terrorism must be brought to account and punished according to Islamic law. He denounced Tuesday's hijacking as "the worst kind of deed".

Osama Bin Laden IS the main suspect, despite his denials. However he has congratulated those involved! That, to me is almost enough to justify a direct response against him. We await news.

Re Protests and reaction in Pakistan and Palestine

There have been reactions in Pakistan to the opinion of the current government. The question is, does the Pakistani clerical heirarchy agree or not?


11th Sept. Apparently there has been some (misguided to put it mildly) rejoicing in Nablus and other places in Palestine. This mob reaction has also been condemned. Yasser Arafat has already spoken on this matter, condemning the atrocity and sounded sincere. He has also given blood today, Wednesday 12th, pointing towards true sincerity. He is not being helped by the continued counter reaction by the Israelis! 17th Sept. He has re-stated the order to observe a cease fire. Israel must also do the same, preferably at the same time. 18th Sept. Israel too has announced a ceasefire today. Let us all hope that both sides are supported in these decisions by those who are supposedly under their control. As has been seen before, a few determined renegades can upset things.

What exactly does the Koran say about this type of suicidal activity? I just can't see how any religion can look favourably on it. Kamikase was part of Japanese fanaticism, but I had thought it was against the Islamic faith.

The Middle East. (An earlier comment)

Yet more "eye for an eye" reaction / counter reaction. This has got to be reconsidered. Both sides have "rights" to various "Holy" places too, I don't propose to prioritise there as to who had "first claim", but this constant bickering defiles those places to both communities. Do both Koran and Bible REALLY say any other religion is to be condemned? After all, BOTH have only ONE God! Its just the name which is different!

This comment (above) was posted before Tuesday's events.

Saturday Sept.15th. Yet more "eye for an eye" reaction by Israel. Why do they persist in this? This is one way they could act to defuse some of the tension in the region. If they allege there has been a "criminal" action, why not deal with it through the process of law, rather than fire a missile at some other person who more often than not is totally innocent?

The recreation of a "Jewish homeland" in 1948 should have solved, not created problems. Why the idea went so sadly wrong, I do not know, but its constant perpetuation (the "eye for an eye" response) HAS to be ended. There has been fault on both sides. That was where the Messiah or Prophet Jesus Christ came in. He spoke of "love thine enemies" and "turn the other cheek" as an alternative to the Old Testament attitude.

Both the Jewish and Arabic response is along Old Testament lines most of the time. At the moment George W Bush has the next move. Punishment or Retribution, not Revenge has to be the issue. As a UK citizen that might be easy to say, but I have felt that way for a long time. We have just the one planet.

If we can't solve petty territorial problems peacefully then we might as well press the nuclear buttons now and start all over again!

Political Comment page2 set up September 11 2001 Edited August 8th. July 2012