Trump's Big Lie.




June 27th. He is STILL doing it! Stop the "fraudits"

This page refers to the antics of a SORE LOSER..

His delusion is destroying all credibility of the Republican party.

Donald John Trump LOST the 2020 election by the same Electoral College margin as he won the previous time. Nobody challenged that result. On the previous occasion he did not win the popular vote majority.

See also here from the desk of Donald J Trump.

I am criticised for referring to him in some channels. But as long as he uses the "Republican Party" as his own party and is revered by a majority of the current membership, he is probably the biggest threat to the USA. Why do they all kow tow to his deluded rants and whims? Do they not have a better (sane?) leader? Dump the Grump - as soon as possible!

From desk of # 45 on July 26th 2021

There are 2 republicans, (as opposed to trumpublicans) on there who got a say when the hearings opened and also will throughout.

Nancy Pelosi is spending a great deal of time, effort, and money on the formulation of a Fake and highly partisan January 6 Committee to ask, “what happened?”

McCarthy dismissed the other option and submitted two totally unsuited candidates for the present one. He could have had 3 others!

Who was in the White House and in charge at the time? YOU WERE!

Also the speeches made there by you and others inflamed the crowd!

Will Nancy investigate herself and those on Capitol Hill who didn’t want additional protection, including more police and National Guard, therefore being unprepared despite the large crowd of people that everyone knew was coming?

Nancy is NOT on the committee. Who was it who told the crowd to be there on the basis of a LIE? Why did you not respond to the call from McCarthy?

Nancy is NOT on the Committee. There was ZERO voter fraud.You had stirred that LIE up since the 2020 campaign began.

Will Nancy and her Committee study the massive Voter Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, particularly in swing states, that was the reason hundreds of thousands of people came pouring into Washington and, therefore, must be a big factor in the final Committee Report? Now would be a very good time to study the large scale Voter Fraud in our Presidential Election.

How many "voter fraud" cases were thrown out - About 70 I think it was. Is that not enough?

There was NO evidence of ANTIFA or BLM in the crowd storming the Capitol. The other disturbances in many cases were provoked by right wing groups.

Will Nancy release the thousands of hours of tapes so we can see the extent to which ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter played a role, while also revealing “who killed Ashli Babbitt?” A real and thorough investigation of this must be done—and what about all of the violence, murders, riots, and fires that took place in Democrat run cities throughout the United States by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, with virtually no consequence for this death and destruction?

The man who captured Ashli Babbitt's death on video during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge Thursday for "parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building."

Is it actually her responsibility to "look into" any such matters? She is not responsible for tax evasion enquiries.

Will Nancy look into the vicious partisan investigations of Conservatives and Republicans that are taking place by prosecutors all over the Country? The five-year investigation of me, and all that so many have been through, including the fake Russia Russia Russia charge, and including the local Democrat-controlled New York prosecutors who work around the clock to get President Donald Trump, while murderers, drug dealers, and human traffickers go free!

An example of a crazy post from his desk.


The gas line was there under him! He's deluded.

Donald J. Trump

3:46pm May 12, 2021

If there were long and horrible gas lines like this under President Trump, the Fake News would make it a national outrage! Did Joe Biden put Hunter in charge of our energy, with all of his Burisma experience? Even Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is lost!


The Colonial Gas Line was begun in 1961. That is 60, yes SIXTY years ago. He has totally lost the plot, posting BS like this.

Surely the election of President is a Federal or National election. For that reason voting laws should be the SAME in EVERY state for that election. There is no reason for different regulations in "red" and "blue" states. All voters are equal on a democracy. PASS THE BILL!

Post election effects.

His repeated tweets and statements at rallies etc have effectively brainwashed too many of the GOP. It has led to totally unneccessary legislation in many states to "fix" what actually isn't wrong with the voting system.

Statements and results.

The most serious result was the attack on the Capitol which Republicans are trying to whitewash and downplay. He fired the official who said "It was the most secure election in history".Florida and Georgia officials and even those in Arizona agreed, jet they still proceeded with legislation which would restrict voting. GOP has also dismissed Liz Cheney for saying the actual TRUTH.

Prior to the election. Point one.

He tweeted and ranted the totally ridiculous idea that the only way Biden would win was by cheating, rigging votes etc.

Prior to the election. Point two.

He also tweeted and ranted that postal voting would be fraudulent. That despite the fact that in several states it is the majority form of voting and has proven to be secure and reliable.

Prior to the election. Point three.

Related to point two, he discouraged GOP voters from using postal voting (to avoid Covid risk) and to vote in person on the day. This had a spinoff effect when votes were counted.

On the election day and the counts.

In many, if not all cases the votes cast on the day, and COUNTED FIRST were, in the majority, GOP voters. This count gave a false impression of a lead for Trump which he used to claim he was winning, or in his mind that he HAD won.

Georgia audit comment.


Florida comments.

By all accounts, Florida ran a virtually flawless election in 2020. There were no major reports of fraud, long lines or ballots of eligible voters being disqualified due to non-matching signatures.

Voters didn’t even let the coronavirus pandemic get in their way. Overall turnout hit a stunning 77 percent of the electorate — its highest level in Florida in nearly two decades. Floridians of all political party affiliations voted by mail in record numbers, too, with 53 percent of Democrats and 35 percent of Republicans choosing to cast their ballots this way.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Florida had set the “gold standard” for how to run an election by doing it so well in a difficult year.

Despite that, DeSantis and the GOP-controlled legislature insisted new security measures were needed, aligning themselves with former president Donald Trump’s false claims that fraud is a widespread threat to elections.

The totally spurious "audit" in Maricopa County Arizona.

Cyber Ninjas is not the ideal firm to do this.

Report on the process.

Insane ballot attack.

Cyber Ninjas CEO is conspiracy theorist!

PHOENIX (AP) — Republicans in the Arizona Senate have signed a lease to continue their slow-moving audit of the 2020 election results in Maricopa County through the end of June.

The state Senate and its contractors had rented the Veterans Memorial Coliseum through Friday, when they must vacate the old basketball arena because it is booked for high school graduations next week.

Republicans have hired Cyber Ninjas, a Florida-based cybersecurity firm, to oversee an unprecedented, partisan review of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county. They are conducting a hand recount of all 2.1 million ballots and looking into baseless conspiracy theories suggesting there were problems with the election, which have grown popular with supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Under the new lease signed Wednesday, the ballots, computers, tables and related equipment will be stored elsewhere at the state fairgrounds next week. The Senate will regain access to the coliseum on May 23 and have it through the end of June.

The effort has gone far slower than expected, and only a fraction of the ballots have been counted. The audit will stop Thursday evening, then packing will begin and continue into Friday, said Ken Bennett, a former Republican secretary of state who is serving as the Senate’s liaison to the auditors.

Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the state's top election official, has asked the Senate to detail its plans for keeping ballots secure while they are in storage.

Meanwhile, Senate President Karen Fann sent a letter Wednesday to Jack Sellers, chairman of the Republican-controlled Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, requesting that county officials publicly answer questions at the Senate on Tuesday, but she stopped short of her threat to issue subpoenas.

Fann repeated the Senate's demand for access to administrative passwords for vote-counting machines and internet routers. County officials say they have turned over all the passwords they have and have refused to give up the routers, saying it would compromise sensitive data, including classified law enforcement information held by the sheriff’s office.

Fann proposed allowing its contractor to view data from the routers at county facilities under supervision of the sheriff's office. “The Senate has no interest in viewing or taking possession of any information that is unrelated to the administration of the 2020 general election,” she wrote.

The county says the passwords the Senate is seeking are maintained by Dominion Voting Systems Inc., which makes the vote-counting machines and leases them to the county. The company said in a statement Thursday that it cooperates with auditors certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and did so for two prior audits of 2020 results in Maricopa County, but won't work with Cyber Ninjas.“Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country,” Dominion's statement said. “No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.”

Page created 14th May 2021 Last edited 8th June 2021